Monday, September 21, 2015

The fear of change!

I am a creature of habit. I would rather not have any changes or at least not too many!

How many of you can relate to this with me?When I get into my comfort zone most likely I am content with the status quo. Lately though, I was reminded and challenged by the thought that God is not inactive and I don't think He wants me to be that either.

Meditating on this, I thought of the changes throughout my life. Like when my dad came to the Lord after 18 years of praying for his salvation (what a joy!). Or when dad went to be with the Lord two years after that
and each one of the family member's roles had to change. And thirteen years later my eight-month old nephew passed away. These things prompted me to rethink the deeper meaning of who we are supposed to be in the Lord while in this world, and this finally brought me to the ministry I am in -- Global Recordings Network.

If it wasn't for all the changes that happened to me, then I wouldn't be
where I am now serving as a missionary!

My journey with all of its changes is far from over, unless the Lord calls me home. But in the meantime, like when the Lord told Abraham to leave his roots, security and familiar territory, and called him to a greater blessing, even though unknown to him, he moved out of obedience to the divine call.

Let's ponder together and obey our Lord when He calls us to move ahead
in our spiritual progress. And let's not forget to continue to pray without ceasing in faith, knowing that God is always good!

Will you tell me about the great things God is doing in your life? This would be a huge encouragement to me!

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