Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just wanted to thank those who prayed for the outreach at the Asian Cultural Festival, last Saturday on May 9th. GRN had a booth there and although the weather wasn't the best, the results of the outreach were fruitful. Our team of 18 gave 254 CDs in 35 different languages.

The picture below is of a man from South Sudan  who speaks Nuer. Once he learned that we had the recordings of the gospel in his heart language available, he wanted to have the app 5fish.mobi put on his phone right away so he could share the it with his people. So exciting so see people embracing the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Please pray that all the CDs that went out would be heard and that lives would be changed!

I hope this is encouraging to you and pray about how you can be a part of the team for furtherance of His kingdom! You can find out about GRN future events at www.grnusa.net.

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