Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hi to you all!

It's been a while since my last update and I am compelled to share how the Lord comes through in situations we think are impossible to be solved. You must be thinking, what's new? But I get surprised in how often I find myself encouraged by stories of common people like you and me, no super heroes' stories, the only super hero here is always God. And how glad I am in knowing that He is the only perfect one that deserves this title.

My story this time is about trusting the Lord in a change of seasons in life, looking towards what He wants to teach me and obey. The change of season for me was leaving my physical therapy assistant career and starting to serve in ministry for Global Recordings Network (GRN). Many people, including some family members asked me why I would do something like that and how I would be able to continue helping my family if I didn't have a real job anymore; sometimes I still hear "what a waste to have such a good career and not use it!"

It's not easy to hear things like that and I don't necessarily trust God right away like I should, and I need to learn to fine tune my hearing, but my savior Jesus Christ is so loving, faithful and in control of everything that He just comes along side me and reassures His will to me through the seeking of His word, through prayer and through His wonderful body. God has been blessing me by sending different people into my life to counsel and support me in prayers and financially.

The work I do at GRN is contributing to many people around the world hearing about Jesus in their heart language. Your prayers and finances are a huge encouragement and help, they allow me to continue to serve in this work. Eternity will review all those people who have come into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ through your partnership with me. Here is one person who heard about Jesus...

An old grandmother of a small tribe in Thailand heard a GRN recording in her language and asked, "Who is this Jesus? I have never heard of Him before." Isn't that sad? Pray that God will help our teams to go to where the gospel has not yet gone.

So I thank my wonderful savior Jesus Christ for putting you in my life and I thank you for being obedient in what the Lord has called you to be and do.

Together in the everlasting journey,
Elizabeth Chan

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
II Co 12:10

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