Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Foreign missions on US soil
"The harvest is plentiful..."
Mt 9:37

The harvest will be plentiful indeed, over 600,000 people visit the National Mall in DC for the 4th of July from all over the World every year, and GRN will hold once more an outreach at the heart of this event. 
Last Sunday I had the opportunity to participate our very first meeting for the Washington, D.C. Freedom Fest outreach which is going to be from June 29th through July 7th, 2015. It was a blessing to see that the workers are plentiful for this mission trip as well, we have a little over 60 people going this time!
The 2014 team handed out 5000 CDs of the gospel and 2500 Jesus film DVDs in over 120 different languages, so would you please consider joining me in praying for this event; for the logistics, planning, for each person going, for the finances, etc.? I can't wait for what the Lord will do this year!

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