Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A glimpse of our partnership

"God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him"  Psalm 67:7

The month of January was so busy that before I knew it, it was February already and I was  in the car on my way to the border of US and Mexico. Before long we were in the air flying down to Culiacan for the annual short term mission to share the gospel with indigenous migrants workers from over 100 people groups..
The night we arrived at the base camp in Culiacan where we would live for a week, we had a worship service. One thing was said in that service that stuck in my heart and mind. "God blesses me so I can be a blessing to others." And He has blessed me with the most valuable gift anyone could ever have - salvation through Jesus Christ. So right there I prayed, "Lord make me sensitive to your Holy Spirit and help me to bless those I am supposed to bless according to your will."
As each day passed I saw God's hand in so many things. For example one evening we encountered a big group of guys as we were going from house to house. They were from the same people group that spoke Nahualt Huasteca Oriental. We started playing a story of the Bible in their language. This caused all who understood that language from that row of houses to shyly come out and listen. This allowed us to ask them if they would like to download those Bible stories on their phones or receive a CD in their heart language. They quickly nodded indicating they wanted to hear the stories. It was clear to me that this was no coincidence. It was appointed by our Almighty Lord for us to meet these people right then and there.
In two other camps I had at least a couple of people coming back to us whose heart language we had already determined using our special language diagnostic tools. They were concerned they might miss us when we came back with the recordings of Bible stories. They said, "We really didn't want to miss it!" How wonderful to see God making these people hungry for His Word/ It was a refreshing and a sober reminder to me that I too need to be that hungry for God's Word!
One big lesson I learned was this. If I don't come back from a mission trip loving Jesus more and wanting to work harder for Him using His gifts so I can be part of what is going on out there and empowering missionaries on the ground, then all the money, time and effort spent for me to go to Culiacan and experience everything that I saw and  heard wouldn't really matter. It would be a total waste.

May we be found faithful as Christ's workers in the Great Commission!


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