Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Greetings friends,

You may remember that in my last blog I wrote about praying for those who don't have anyone praying for them and I hope your response was to take the action in praying for these people. This time, I would like to bring you up to speed as to what is happening in my life of ministry, along with what the Lord has been showing me.

This summer has been a time of regrouping. I have been praying much, asking for God's direction for the next school year and for interacting with college/university students. It also has been a time to reevaluate the good and the difficult things about being a recruiter. Praise God for His infinite patience and guidance!

In asking for direction, God has shown me His sovereignty and once again reminded me to delight in trusting and obeying Him. I was also reminded of Luke 9:23 where Jesus tells us to take up our cross and follow Him. There is a price to pay when we choose to follow Christ, and sometimes ministry can get really hard – to me particularly when there is a lot going on at home and the spiritual battle is fierce.

In August, and in God’s perfect timing, a student from the Evangelical Institute in South Carolina, where I recruited back in March this year, will be flying to California to do a mini-internship with me at Global Recordings Network. She will be learning and getting hands-on experience in what goes on behind the scenes with all the recordings we have available. She will also have opportunity to reach out to the asylum seekers and refugee communities around us. Another young believer will be joining us for some of our activities. This will be a "practice in discipleship" for us both.

Please pray:

  • for all the preparations, especially that we would learn to love Christ and others, and be like Him even more 
  • that we would be in tune with the Lord's will as we carry out the great commission and make disciples
  • for open hearts and minds as we reach out and share our faith with those who don't have the assured hope we have in Christ
  • for safety and wisdom to know what and when to speak
  • for provision of our needs
  • that 50% of the support that I am responsible to raise for Global Recordings Network comes in soon

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