Friday, May 26, 2017

Is anyone praying for them?

Lately my journey with the Lord has caused me to really think with great thankfulness about how many people I have who are praying for me. And what about all those who have prayed for me ever since I was born. As God moves me closer to Himself and teaches me which way I should go, slowly I started realizing that not a day has ever gone by when there was not someone praying for me. Every day of my life I have had at least some of my family or friends praying for me.

On the other hand I have started thinking of the masses of people in the world who never had anyone praying for them, not even once. How wonderful it would be for all people to hear about Christ. And how great if all people who hear the powerful message of the gospel would find it impossible to deny the True Savior of the world and surrender to His Lordship as an answer to our prayers.

I feel compelled to do more than I have been doing, not out of guilt or duty but because my Lord is drawing me closer to Himself and to love Him so much that I want to be like Him and not ever be apart from His presence. One way I can express my love for Him is to encourage more people to pray for the least-reached peoples in our world so that they can love Him too.

Would you pray specifically for a people that have never heard the name of Jesus? (I would love to send you the name and a profile of a people group.) Pray believing that our living God, the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, this God is able and willing to answer the prayers of His people for the salvation of many. May our hearts be in tuned to His heart.

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