I think it's because we don't see the spiritual realm, although it's very real. We tend to be unaware of it and only pay attention to what we see with our physical eyes while going about our lives.
Maybe you are thinking, "what Christian wouldn't know this?" But although I know this, I easily forget and need to be reminded that Jesus took time to pray very often, to fellowship with the Father, so He knew the Father's will and was used according to His purpose, with earth-shaking and everlasting results that could only bring glory and honor to God.
Prayer is direct access to our ultimate commander in chief and we are called to have an intimate relationship with Him. We have the privilege to do that! Let's take advantage of this, and be more diligent about it so we can be His holy rebels in this world for His kingdom's sake.
"A praying Christian is a constant threat to the stability of Satan's government. The Christian is a holy rebel loose in a world with access to the throne of God." (A.W. Tozer)